서대문구청 티스토리 블로그

티스토리 블로그 운영을 종료합니다.(2023.7.1.) 서대문구청 네이버 블로그에서 만나요!

놀러와요 서대문 342

[신촌][물총축제]찜통더위, 연세로에서 열리는 물총축제로 식히세요!

[신촌][물총축제] 찜통더위, 연세로에서 열리는 물총축제로 식히세요! 여러분, 너무 덥지요? 아예 대놓고 30도를 넘나드는 무더위에 몸도 마음도 축축 늘어지고, 흘리는 땀이 늘어 갈수록 불쾌지수는 높아지는데요~ 후~끈 달아오른 서대문구를 식히기 위해 올해도 여김없이 돌아왔습니다~! 1회의 뜨거운 반응에 힘입어 제2회 신촌 연세로 물총축제가 열립니다! 신촌 물총축제는 2013년 시민분들의 적극적인 참여와 함께 열렬한 호응을 얻었는데요. 올해도! 물총이라는 친근한 아이템을 가지고 놀이와 볼거리가 결합한 문화의 장으로 마련하였습니다^^* 남녀노소 구분 없이 누구나 참여하고 누릴 수 있는 시민 참여형 축제! 더불어 지역경제도 쭉쭉 ~ ! 앞으로 서대문만의 독보적인 축제로 거듭날 것 같지 않나요?^^ 그럼 201..

[Summer][Holiday]Top 3 Best Beaches in Korea!

[Summer][Holiday] Top 3 Best Beaches In Korea! It's summer time! When summer holidays begin, many people are planning where to go for holiday! Going abroad? Soaking up the sun at the beach? Camping? Many people will be planning what to do for this summer vacation! If you haven't made any plan yet, why don't you consider to visit famous beach in Korea? In summer, many Korean are heading to beach ..

[Food][Wellbeing]Traditional Healthy Food in Korea-Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)

[Food][Wellbeing]Traditional Healthy Food in Korea Samgyetang(Ginseng Chicken Soup) Samgyetang is one of traditional healthy Korean soup, which primarily consists of a whole young chicken and Korean ginseng with other fruits. Koreans like to drink hot soup or stews during the summer months in an effort to combat the fierce heat. Because ginseng and ginger are also "hot" spices according to Chine..

[Weekend Dating][Sinchon Car-Free Street] A Good Place to Visit in Seoul

[Weekend Dating][Sinchon Car-Free Street] A Good Place to Visit in Seoul Are you considering where to go this coming weekend? Tong, will introduce you Sinchon Car Free Street, where you can do a lot of things and have fun there! Sinchon Yonsei-ro Car Free Street is recommend as Dating Place in Seoul! It is always crowded by many couples, families, foreigners from all over the world! :) Of course..

[Hongjecheon][Seodaemun Hongjecheon] Ansan Herb Garden

[Hongjecheon][Seodaemun Hongjecheon] Ansan Herb Garden It is a perfect time for walking and outdoor activities due to nice weather! Isn't it? While you are walking around the city of Seoul, you may be considering where to go for walk and have a rest with your friends, partners and family. We, Tong, will recommend you Hongjecheon in Seoudaemun-gu you can do these things! Hongjecheon includes rive..

[Acacia][How To Make Acacia Tea]Weekend Dating Route Ansan Jarakgil♥

[Acacia][How To Make Acacia Tea] Weekend Dating Route Ansan Jarakgil♥ Can you smell something floral scent? If you do not have money and time to go else where on sunny day, how about going out to Seodaemun Ansan-Jarakgil with bringing some food and drinks? It is called a 'healing place' for people living in a city. In addition, it is famous for weekend dating route, walking route in the season o..

[May Events] Special Days in Korea

[May Events] Special Days in Korea In May, there are lots of events going on in Korea! We called the month of 'May' as Family Month! As you can see the below calendar May 2014, you can easily realise how many special days celebrated on whole month of May in Korea! Is not it surprising? Today, We, Tong, would like to tell you in detail about what is happening in May 2014! We will keep posting abo..

Recommened Dating Place!♥ Sinchon Car-Free Street!

♥ Recommended Dating Place in Seoul ♥ Places to Eat and Places to Enjoy in Sinchon Car-Free Street! Are you in doubt where to go on a date with your girlfriend or boyfriend every weekend? Come with me, Tong to see, eat and enjoy in Sinchon car-free street where you can feel the live of youth!! Punch bag Time! Woop!! Woop!! Who will be the winner? First of all, you can see and join the punch bag ..

Do you know the meaning of 'Rose Day'?

Do you know the meaning of 'Rose Day'? Rose Day/ May 14th In South Korea, Rose Day is annually held on May 14th. It is an informal anniversary when a couple gives rose to each other as a gift! :) So today, Tong, would like to tell you about one of informal anniversary, Rose Day! If you are considering what you want to get for your girlfriend/boyfriend on May 14th, take a look this posting! Red R..

西大門区 お出かけおすすめスポットー弘濟川

西大門区 お出かけおすすめスポットー弘濟川 4月も終わり、緑が生い茂る初夏になりました! 過ごしやすい日々が続いていますね~ この季節にぴったりのおすすめスポットをご紹介いたします☆ 川と緑の調和が美しい、弘濟川へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか? ▲弘濟川 自転車道路区間 漢江(城山大橋)~ 弘濟3橋 弘済川は北漢山スムン峰、普賢峰、兄弟峰などを源とし、 鍾路区、西大門区を貫いて国家河川である漢江の馬浦区区間の右側へと流入される地方河川です。 流露延長は13.38Kmで、この中6.12Kmが西大門区の14洞の内7洞 (弘恩1・2洞、弘済1・3洞、南加佐1・2洞、延禧洞 )を 通るので、西大門区民には親しく、いつも安らかに休める憩いの場所です。 弘済川は復元工事を通してきれいな水が流れ マガモ、タイリクハクセキレイ、フナなどが生息するようになり、自然生態にも大きな変化をもたらしました。 弘..